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The gospel is the good news that Jesus is the Rescuing-King who has the authority to forgive us for all our wrongdoing. Jesus used that authority by giving up his life to death on a cross, where he took the punishment for all our wrongdoing. He then rose again from the dead – never to die again – to give us new life.

  • What is the gospel?

    The gospel is the good news that Jesus is the Rescuing-King who has the authority to forgive us for all our wrongdoing. Jesus used that authority by giving up his life to death on a cross, where he took the punishment for all our wrongdoing. He then rose again from the dead – never to die again –...

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  • How did you become a Christian?

    Rachel, studied Maths at Durham I think I've got a fairly normal background. My parents, who are both atheists really, brought me up to be polite and kind and so on, and our family is a happy one. I'm quite sciency and cynical, and so I dismissed Christianity as something that didn't make sense,...

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  • Starting a relationship with God…

    You’ve read the Gospel, you sense that it is true, what do you do next? Jesus taught his followers how to become his disciples. Repent Right from the start of his public ministry Jesus makes it clear that being one of his followers means a radical change of lifestyle and of priorities. He calls...

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  • Maintaining your relationship with God…

    Talk to God In Mark 1:35 we read, ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.’ Similarly, at one of the darkest moments of Mark’s account we find Jesus praying to God as ‘Father’, acknowledging that God is...

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